
Nice try, trying to paint your whiny BS as some kind of political protest. We aren't buying it. Motorcyclists are demonized by the cops and the public because of crap like this. Because they have no interest in the safety of others, and are like children with a shiny toy. Well, children have to be supervised because

Oh yeah? You and your f*ckhead friends are really going to shoot a police officer and risk spending the rest of your life in prison? Tough talk.

Absolutely right. I've been one of those technicians(not now, but for many years) and I can tell you that this is some BS right here.

Preach it, brother(or sister). This guy is an ass. Driving recklessly basically makes everyone else liable when the reckless driver makes a mistake or encounters an unusual situation. It's just classic narcissism: you don't aren't concerned with anyone but yourself.

I fully support your use of whatever supplies you wish, whenever you wish, for any reason.

I'm not saying you shouldn't use whatever pen you like. Let your daughter use whatever pens she likes. Any other minor children in your custody or care should be able to use whatever pens, pencils or charcoal sticks they feel work best for them. I personally prefer black, but that's just me. I have to use red and

Richard, you misread my post. I said it was an advertisement for adhd coaching services, not for stores or pens. And yes, a specific coaching service is mentioned.

It could help? Do you have a study or something to back that up with, or it just "could" help?

I have ADD. I've taken AdderallXR for about 10 years and it changed my life.

This is probably the best advice. A good blade is essential, and makes your life so much easier. I prefer Forrest blades myself.

LaserJet 5(si MX): Bought it used about 15 years ago - still kicking ass and taking names.

Your Oakland-Atherton line might be more apt if it was Oakland-Piedmont. Don't make me school you on the Bay Area, son.