
LOL. Your powers of perception are weak.

29 made, 11 delivered. So once they build the 30th will the haters consider it a production car?

All the ladies will want Macaque as it is the perfect size for them.

I can show you at least 2 west texas towns where there are.

OK. They are good EVs. I agree. It's the enviro smugness I'm referring to anyway... not the look at my bad ass ride smugness. Although both are unattractive to me.

As have I. I was speaking moslty to the makeup of the commentariat.

Which they built there because they thought it would lead to profits. I have no problem with that at all, it's what they should be doing.

Sometimes I hunt in Birkenstocks because I think the Hipsters will appreciate the irony.

Total strawman. In this way, every every fast food consumer is a leach? Walmart isn't the only company that pays minimum wage. You do know it is legal to do so, right?

I guess if someone teaches you how to sign up for food stamps then, by god, you better fucking do it!

Pluralism is good in broad sense, sure. But there is also nothing wrong with preferring the way Jalopnik was either.

I would think most gawkers readers would take it literally... and totally agree. That's the climate, from my perspective. Jalops tend to be a little broader audience, even though I think that they are getting more gawker-esque every day.

I know! It's my one respite for this temptation and I just want to see pictures and stories of cool cars when I come here...

But production doesn't create jobs so if I am producing for someone I'm not creating my own job. I'm confused can someone please pass me an economics 101 book?

if it ain't broke!

I've been bitching about this for awhile now. It just goes to show you how politicized out culture is becoming; which has been exasperated by the rise of the blogosphere. And these young and inexperienced bloggers seem to buy in to the hipster political meme of the day like so many black rim bespectacled sheep. If

No, no. You've got it all wrong. Walmart does not create jobs. A free market does not create jobs or raise the standard of living for the common man. The government does that for you... stop working so hard and let them take care of you! What we need to do is take that $250 billion that Walmart is investing in US

So Ford, a gigantic, unimpassioned, corporate machine (which I have absolutely no problem with it being...) drops Mike Rowe because of his ad for... wait for it... Walmart, a gigantic, unimpassioned, corporate machine... BECAUSE... Supporting Walmart damages his image as a joe plumber relatable working man type?

I mostly agree but you're missing one alluring aspect of turbo diesel's in general: immense tunability. With tune on the fly capabilities, you can have your hauler, your MPG beast and your drag racer (relative to other trucks) all in one vehicle, on demand.