Europeans want V8s... they just cant afford the taxes on them. So it's not really a direct market force that makes this a good decision for Ford but a regulatory market force.
Europeans want V8s... they just cant afford the taxes on them. So it's not really a direct market force that makes this a good decision for Ford but a regulatory market force.
I'm with ya... he's a hipster so, yeah, any color he wears is a hipster color. And are those skinny jeans?
Got V1?
Pedro, por favor, pásame la cinta adhesiva y soldadura jb.
I would never comment about the size of all the fat girls you date. That's not cool.
It's not necessarily a v6 vs. i4 turbo argument. It's the engines design. A bigger turbo and more fuel at higher RPMs would probably allow for more top end power (not sure about head design but I'm sure it's reasonably efficient enough for making top-end power). But then you have more turbo lag and less mid-range…
So conflicted. Love football. Love cars.
Psssssh. That's nuthin'. shit. Only college students watch college football? This is a very uninformed and weird position to take.
The main difference between lazy American union workers and the French union workers in this article are... well, exactly nothing. The only difference is the scale and power of unionization is much, much greater in France. The workers will "bargain" for doing NO work if they can get away with it. Who wouldn't?
Oh yeah. I'm sure you nailed it.
Minor point of clarification.. There is no "Dallas" Stadium. I think perhaps you mean Cowboys Stadium? It can see how it could be mistaken since it's the home of the "Dallas" Cowboys. Oddly, it's not IN Dallas, or even Dallas County, it's in Arlington.
I thought the same thing.
LOL. Will has the enthusiasm and heart... just not the capability.
Funny that the take away for some is that Torch is an inconsiderate neighbor. Lol.
Somebody was wathcing the Simpsons last night...
GM, you fucked this up bad.
Far from it. That said, my 6.0 is doing just fine with 109,000 miles. EGR delete ftw.
Ford Excursion w 7.3 diesel. Probably not the least depreciated I was very surprised how well they are holding there value.
The world was a better place when my auto maker didn't think is was too stupid to operate a manual transmission on a hill.