
@Donatom3: Can you point us to any tutorials/articles that explain what to tweak, and ideally, how to do it for specific routers?

This was a great photo challenge. Love seeing all the photos, and know that most people had to hem and haw over which of the thousands they took should actually be submitted.

Kudos to Brett Morrison for the pet rock revival. I remember that "trend". Or fad. I suspect there are readers who are too young to "get it". I LOLd.

@jstevens74: What? It's just rocks and snow ... OMG! There's a chameleon dog hidden in there!!

@Murph: I'm thinking galloping hoofbeats...

@wigglestheholy: If it's ice cream truck music, then it's automatically Pedobear approved!

@GuyWithDogs: edit: that should be "its way of wanting"

@Curves: Spent summers in a combined military marching band/pipe band. Had an awesome Sunset Ceremony - 21 rifles, color guard, and a field gun, plus the band. We'd perform all over Ontario, Canada.

@lostarchitect: Totally agree. Worked at a place that had Windows 3.1 PCs on a LANtastic network. I ran OS/2 Warp on my laptop, and kept running when the network crapped out. Everyone else - frozen.

@pagan_god: So those that don't learn from history are doomed to rekey it?

@Curves: Shells ejected from a NATO-issue rifle will melt a drumhead. Just sayin'...

@rl78: My thought exactly..

@k2001: Stick to the Olympic traditions — swim nude.

@sevendust4: But do they get the money and the babes?

@WetSkeletonz: You sound like me, only I took mine back... Nice device, in and of itself, but it's way of wanting to do things didn't mesh at all with my way of wanting it to do things.

@schunniky: Too bad those kids don't have cell phones. We'd have oodles of cool photos!

Like a lot of others, I'd like to see a few more options and some caveats on the question. Why no Windows 7 tablet option? Why no timeframe (e.g. current iPad vs. current Android tablets — neither, thanks. Current iPad vs. rumored Android tablets? Android, probably, but price is an issue. Rumored iPad 2 vs. rumored

@CaptainCynic: It's so you can use both hands to write the movie review on your iPad while you watch the movie.