
@KurtCalyce: "Umm... late in the day, got a deadline, nothing really newsworthy, anything over here??? hmmm ... this'll do.."

@Full_Moto_Jacket: Unless you have a spare set, or buy a cheapy extra pair of reading glasses at a dollar store to do this.

That litter-hating citizen was merely doing his part to keep his Capitol building grounds clear of unsightly tourist debris...

@Bam Margera: Mods ... please erase the comments in these thread so that women don't even more evidence to reference for examples of women being smarter than men. It's bad enough without this. Thank you...

@PixelProphet: Damn, didn't get far enough down to notice you mentioned this first ...

@MacTodd: They are lucky someone didn't report an unattended bag and had the cops come and blow it up as a "suspcious package".

@Rosa Golijan: Ah, Rosa, you're an honorary guy to us ...

@sydcinema: That's already happened, apparently.

@james-42: I thought that was the complaint about user interfaces created by programmers...

@rathat: But isn't a "natural disaster" called an "Act of God"??

The "3x optical zoom" sounds like it's only for photos, at least from reading the page at Sanyo's site.

@dicer999: But .. BUT .. it's 10 MEGAPIXELS!!

@Helvetica: No Windows anywhere in it ..

@pixelsnader: It's not "wrong"; it's just that you have to relate to _their_ context when trying to explain concepts. When my daughter was 8 (10 years ago), we were playing a game where she had to give a clue so that we could guess a word drawn from a pile.

@Poppa1138: Yeah, I'm thinking a combination of a steamroller at the front and a Zamboni at the back. Crush 'em, then scrape 'em off the sidewalk and squeegee it clean at the same time.

@MikeofLA: No, it's in Canada. He means a metric mile...

@Odinist: Yeah - I'm figuring the body waste from the frightened passengers would block the view after the first few minutes...