You might want to see if the college you're going to has a recommendation on brands, or possibly a decent student purchase plan. Some colleges will have better support facilities for some brands, or deals on some laptop/software bundles.
You might want to see if the college you're going to has a recommendation on brands, or possibly a decent student purchase plan. Some colleges will have better support facilities for some brands, or deals on some laptop/software bundles.
Seriously, if there were surprises at your review, then the fault is with your manager. It should be a "review" - there should be no surprises about past problems. You and he should have had the talk when your manager saw something he didn't like.
They both agree there's no use for a third party, though.
Mr. jetRink - where do you get off trying to introduce common sense into all this? This is POLITICS!!
Me too. And I thought he was tweeting with Keith Urban, and I wondered what an Australian country music singer had to do with this story.
Don't be sexist! Broads hate that!
It does for suitably large values of 8...
BRAVO! Great flashback!
Guess you get what you pay for with the free shipping on orders of over $25...
Heard the driver of that semi got away clean
Took me a while to get it ...
You see the occasional Hawaii plate in Washington state near the naval bases in Bremerton...
"Can I get the rock on the target without spilling my beer?" - FTFY
Added curling bonus: You can play with a beer in one hand. Note that's "play", not "compete", but curling's never been about the competition...
Just a series of tweets of the winners, and winners are limited to a 140 character acceptance tweet, to be tweeted within 60 seconds of the announcement. Everything is done in about 30 minutes, and we can get on with our lives...
You'd spill your coffee too with that sort of manoeuvre (damn, I had to look that spelling up, and then the spellcheck "refudiates" it...)
If it does frizzle out, then I'm sure the little dots on the moisture sticker will prevent the carrier from making a warranty repair/replacement.
Schools really don't care whether your kid is there learning. But they do need that butt in a seat at attendance time so that they can get their funding for that student. No one takes attendance at college because it's your dime - they don't care how you use the time you bought.
If it buzzed in first every time and got the wrong answer every time, people would be saying that computers have the advantage in speed but not in natural language skills. I've yet to watch the second episode, but the capability of the software to come up with the answers in the restricted time to questions that are…
Isn't it "make do" when talking about settling for status quo?