
@blackcat12: It's in the labs. It'll never see the light of day. Like the Courier.

@notbodacious: I call shenanigans on you. This is the Internet: in reality, you're a 37 year old male, balding overweight accountant in your mom's basement, in Boise.

@bustedchain: Totally agree on goats figuring out locks. One goat is bad; two goats is worse. I suspect 7 or more would be unstoppable.

@RubberCity: Don't do it! That would make you the bad guy. You'd do jail time, and if they did convict some spammer, he'd get community service and be banned from using a computer for 2 weeks.

@Clixx13: Oh, yeah ... I guess it could be a vacuum joke, too.

@OrbitalGun: Negatory, good buddy! At least none of the Targets in my area (within 50 miles) had ANY in stock. And then an email to the Target Customer Service address got me this:

@Squalor: That's a troll? Looks like Pinocchio for Hedgehogs.


@KaZx: Liquor? Why I hardly kn... never mind...

@ivan256: Send them an invoice for services provided proofreading the check. See what happens then.

@JoeDat: Not only that, but the bank cashed it. Actually, it's not surprising. There's not much actual intelligence in the process, I believe. There's a stack of checks, they get stamped to deposit to Comcast on the back, and the magnetic ink and computers do the rest.

What's "sunrise"?

@the.only.storm: You're assuming there's only one sun near that planet...

@FriarNurgle: Damn it - people here have WAY better cameras and lenses, better locations, and now some joker apparently has intergalactic travel. I may as well not even bother...

@Xeno: Yeah - It's a total pain that you have to buy it sight unseen. My wife knew she didn't want a nook; she'd seen a Kindle that someone at work had. I'd never seen a real one, so we took a chance, knowing that there's a 30 day return period.

Got one last Saturday. My wife has it and is working through her third book, I think. Spent a bit of time figuring out how to convert various PDF files (some Microsoft books from their website, knitting patterns, etc.) to see how generally useful it is.

@linfosoma: Looks like they are banking on finding other intelligent life forms out there, that need to know about things for sale, or great places to get university degrees without going to class...

@vsound: Best reply in the bunch! The tag is a touch of brilliance. Thanks for the giggle.