
@2 replies: Most companies that big also have a legal department that you, as an employee, can ask specific questions of to make sure you're not running afoul of any terms of your employment. Plus you can always get your own lawyer to check things out.

@Missie: Thank you! This type of comment is why I even bothered to look at the article. It was a "I know there is going to be something really clever in the comments" situation, and you just delivered. Thank you!

@BoscoH: Sadly, Farmville probably has better redundancy that the airlines. But Farmville makes more money, too, so they can afford it.

@whatne1wuddo: I thought cost went down when amortized over a large number of consumers? Oh, wait ... that's in a competitive market. Since each cell provider is essentially a silo, they just all price things the same and you, as a consumer, have the choice of provider based on the handset you want to pay too much for.

@funkytown: Shun the non-believer! SHUN!!!

@Go Vols!: " it's an outstanding phone."

@Mr.Gawn: He could have used the Chewbacca Defense...

@oxweeblexo: Sounds like a Pemco insurance commercial ... "Costumed activist, you're on of us.."

@R4V3N: But what a way to go!!

@Lupison: I read "sciencetists" as "scientologists" and was going "huh?".

"That means that for the first time in months, no new oil is gushing into the Gulf."

@hey_chris: I have my "last ditch effort" carrier pigeon trained to ride on my shoulder like a pirate's parrot.

@taodude: You know, forget planting a knife, gun or drugs. You hit the nail right on the head - a DVD or CD with copyright-infringing materials on it, and he'll have the MPAA/RIAA so far up his ass 6 years with a proctologist wouldn't be enough.

@gemcosta: I think the Scripps Spelling Bee should use the example sentences from the urbandictionary one year...

@EBone: That was pretty good, really. Bravo!

@Denver: It ain't summer everywhere. Heck, it ain't even summer in the Pacific Northwest in the USA.

@Curves: These days, the sky is falling when Twitter or Facebook aren't working properly...

@Justin: It could be made better by letting the defending team put a shoulder into the 270 pound man charging to the net. Never understood why these big, strong guys aren't allowed to touch each other...