
I get your point now, but calling it the foosball episode is like calling Wings the Paul McCartney band. Sure, the same guys from the foosball episode are in this one, but there is a far more well known foosball episode. Also, foosball doesn’t factor into the plot of this episode.

The foosball episode is in season 3.

You flinched Paul!

I have not, given that you are talking about it I assume it is either very good or very bad.

He did a great job in Stardust going from a whiny brat to a charismatic badass.

I don’t know what thing you said to be more sarcastically infuriated by, the fact that Eliza Coupe wasn’t on New Girl or the fact that one of those 6 names wasn’t ‘Jake Johnson’

I’d say the good place podcast is actually one of the better tv show podcasts made by people in the show.

Fridging and killing your gays. Sounds fun!

His right hand was unavailable for comment.

Alternative take - Children are human beings who shouldn’t be fucking assaulted for making mistakes.

I thought it did, and I was itching to comment “so Murray’s not all bad”

Oh no he’s hot

I had actually heard that was the name of the remake starring Mel Gibson

Spacey had to live up to the Wool brand

All three of your points are very valid. I think with regards to the first one, I wasn’t arguing as much that it will be good as much as we shouldn’t automatically assume a lazy, Kevin Smith-esque project, because the writer of the movie has spoken about attempts to make it more than a lazy callback machine.

I would argue that past comments by Harmon on finding the correct balance between a stand-alone story and elements that fans want to see would indicate at least an attempt to grow beyond the baseline expectations of a ‘movie continuation of a tv series’, but go off.

I agree about seasons 5 and 6, they are both really good, just not as good as the first 3. I think season 5 is probably the worse of the two, which is weird because it is also the season that feels more like ‘community’. Season 6 was trying something different tonally and I think it was the better for it. Those

Her third last words were actually spoken in German to a nurse who didn’t speak the language.

Based on what I have heard from straight women, that doesn’t seem far off.

I’m frankly glad they consulted someone on how the characters would consume human flesh, because that would have totally ruined the immersion.