This is the plot of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie. Here comes Ivan Ooze.
This is the plot of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie. Here comes Ivan Ooze.
Salty white calls cops on a black dude for no reason.
Perhaps you sound like a trump voter if everyone calls you on that.
Take your MAGAboi salt elsewhere.
Nah, trump has definitely exacerbated matters. I don’t recall saying this didn’t happen before, but please, take a confrontational tone. Miss me with your Caucasian salt MAGAboi.
I’m seeing this more and more in the Trump era. Black and brown folks turning heel and jumping on a racist bandwagon. Watched it from my roof when an uber driver yelled at his passenger that he was calling immigration on his ass as he was leaving. But I forgot, Obama was the divisive one...
Much love, that’s all I’ve got.
This is such a false equivalency. Stephens is a schmuck, the argument that he shouldn’t be the one making these comments is legit, but you are completely misrepresenting the character of the two terms. Yes, Stephens is a hypocrite, but the nature of this comment, and this comment alone it’s not the same as usage of…
The 180 tho.
In WWII, my grandpa was a Marine in the Pacific. This man didn’t drink, never had, but he’d receive a six pack of beer with his rations, like everyone else. This dude would down all six ASAP because “that way, I wouldn’t have to share em’ with anybody.”
A lot of the time,
Does anyone remember Paris’ “Coffee, Donuts & Death”?
Wakanda has it right; keep people from shithole countries like the USA out.
Not to say I disagree with three sentiments or arguments (because I don’t, this shit needs to stop, and we should just take everyone’s guns away), but one counter-point to be brought up is Quaaludes are consumable goods; one use per pill. The AR-15 and all guns for that matter remain in circulation for a looong time.…
First Umar, now the church?
I’ve worked in this guy’s apartment, he’s a total jerk. When I worked there, he tried to blame every contractor in and out of his apartment for something he broke to get a free repair. He was caught shoplifting a while ago too. This dude is the worst.
Cue the butt-hurt masses of non-New Yorkers with spicy “just don’t live in that garbage city” takes.
Jeremy Piven has been doing this shit for decades.
10 Things Every Hipster in Brooklyn Does Already.
I’m white, though Jewish, which in your mind, probably excludes me from your clubhouse.