Guy who just commented

Black folk are the only large group here in the states that didn’t have a say in coming here. No happy stories of migration; any national identity was stripped upon arrival. There was no space left for anything but the “New World”. In my opinion, that makes black folk the most American of anyone.

Dude, seriously, you’re an idiot.

Why is it that all of these beautiful non-racist white people end up sounding like racist white people. Ugh! That sounds really frustrating. Then on top of that they’re labeled wypipo!

Unfortunately, this joke has a different punchline here in the states.

Toppling confederate statues is the new quinoa.

Damn bruh, you’re a funny guy, but don’t take shots at the mentally handicapped.

Cue the butt hurt.

Not blaming a whole race, just saying you and I are complicit, relax bruh.

Anytime a tragedy like this happens, it is always made worse in the aftermath by the outpouring of #notallwhitepeople.

This tax is exactly how a powerful, necessary movement like feminism gets hijacked by self-righteous Beckys and Brandons who would rather make a broad statement than address more specific problems. Sure, the gender pay gap is 18% in Australia. But does the average aboriginal man make as much as the average white

Wypipo be wypipoing.

Butt = hurt.

Imagine a millionaire being offended by a homeless person calling them ‘moneybags’.

Shitposting > Reading.

I believe that even if the supreme court had ruled in a way that was unfavorable towards offensive or hateful names, it would only result in obfuscation of the issue. The DC football team name is bad, racism and hatred are real. The conversation needs to change people’s minds, and these names. It’s the same sort of

The “games as a service” model can be a good thing when it’s not explicitly about profit and draining money. Hitman charged their one-time fee, then periodically added more and more, highly polished material into the game. Whereas a game like Destiny releases as 1/3rd of a game, then demands you drop hundreds in order

Erie P.A. has that effect on people.

I feel like you can’t really understand oppression or “blackness” if being black, in your mind, is an escape from oppression...


What about Breath of Fire III?