You know he's cheatin' on you, girl!
You know he's cheatin' on you, girl!
Does anyone else hear what sounds like a "BARK" in the chorus of "Hold Me"? That's bugged me for 30+ years.
5 more years! 5 more years!
It's pretty obscure. You've probably never heard of them,
Saaaaaail away, you can fly.
The Internet: What a terrible idea.
Bring me Solo and the Wookie! They will all pay for this outrage!
Snout Spout
This takes place in an alternate timeline where Skeltor actually likes spoo.
He should have wooed her with some of his poetry; his sweet, sweet Vogon poetry.
Yeah, that's what THEY want you to believe.
My god, that SNL skit was 30 years ago. There's your friggin' temporal vortex right there.
I mean, for crying out loud, it's just a TV show! I mean, look at you, look at the way you're dressed! You've turned an enjoyable little job, that I did as a lark for a few years, into a COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME!
Beetle Adventure Racing
The movie's still gonna suck, right? That hasn't changed.
None of THAT shit happened, nerds. But THIS shit totally happened!
Are you having a stroke? Press your Life Alert button!
Sorry. Mythbusted by Peter Hook.
No snark, sincerely, cool story bro'.
He had a name, ya know.