True. But ol' mad man Murdock has turned out to be a vile, right wing reactionary. Imagine that the next time you watch.
True. But ol' mad man Murdock has turned out to be a vile, right wing reactionary. Imagine that the next time you watch.
Well more importantly, who killed Harlowe Thrombey?
Only the ones with the Ion Canon.
Kelvin timeline LOL
Where's Donkey Kong 3?
No… Lou Gramm, songwriter and Chess King spokesmodel gets a big fat royalty check!
Isn't pointing out sexism the real sexism?
What a world we live in. Two things!
I live in Seattle. That local brewer sold out to Anheuser-Busch last year.
True. But they did put out a single on Sub Pop which is how many first heard of them.
Whoa, huge slam on anteaters out of nowhere.
It can be two things.
Not even once.
Slip and slide
Push it in
Bitch sure got the rhythm
And an ice cold Crystal Pepsi Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh. Unghn!
Coke in pig latin?
That's actually kind of awesome.
Bob Johnson? No…wait.
*Seinfeld intro funky bass
My memories of going to Sambo's (the diner) are like most of my 1970's memories; icky, unsettling, tinted brown and orange.