You fap or you die.
You fap or you die.
My favorite GBV show involved Bob talking shit about R.E.M.'s Mike Mills between every song. He could hardly wait to finish a song before letting him have it again. Mike Mills; such a divisive figure.
That weird lotion/sanitizer they would rub all over themselves in Enterprise was a bridge too far.
He should know. He's Bob Allen Deal (B.A.D.)
Great job Internet. Now redo the Puma Man song.
Wept silently in his studio apartment while watching reruns of "Greatest American Hero".
Mud shark!
Randy needs braces!
Hollywood is beholden to Big Spider.
Did the producers of "Wiener-Dog" get an advance on this column so they could insert their ads? Because that's pretty funny.
Bring it on. I already beat down Nickelback.
*plays guitar solo exactly mimicking vocal melody.
You know there's a maker somewhere working on that right now.
The only "Photograph" I will acknowledge is on a little album called Pyromania.
Nah. I few good natured laughs were had, and it was all quickly forgotten.
Fuck you Rick Berman!
It's the 80s! Do a lot of coke and vote for Ronald Reagan!
Pull your pants up Morrissey!
We'll always have Bon Iver.