
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

SBS/Sabotage/TE is when they started to go a little nuts in the studio. Maybe they feel like they couldn't pull it off live; especially Ozzy.

Seems they wrung out any kind of variety in the setlist long ago. They are my #1 or #2 all time favorite bands, but this is sad. I really want to go, but it's the same basic setlist from 1976.

I'm a skater
Have a beer

Kurt, Pat, David, and Kris
If I like the girl, who cares who you kissed.

The Grizzly! I love old wooden coasters that feel like they are about to shake apart. I guess it's not that old though.

Features 70% of the exact same notes?

And China Girl. And The Chauffeur.

May I be of assistance?

*laugh track

Also, Sixteen Candles. Ugh.

Pretty jealous for the Happy Flowers and Scrawl shirts.

They know a little about sad.

And Metallica. Hey, most people can convince themselves that anything is good with enough work.

Granted, now that Motley Crue have hung it up.

In the 90's Man…or Astroman pulled kind of the same stunt. They "cloned" themselves into multiple bands that toured all over the country. There was even a "gamma clone" project of all female members.

They would still vote for him because it's all about sticking it to the liberals; voting as retribution.

“There’s been some talk that they might reboot Nightmare 3."

Kashyyyk -er!!!

These puns are salaciously crummy.