Sounds like she's been reading a lot of mid-career Bret Easton Ellis...
Jerking off with it when nobodies looking.
Shut your mouth, Death to Smoochy was brilliant! Hail Smoochy!!
You're right, they did.
Trust me, my dad did.
From one of the guys in my league last year; "Get in the Car Odin".
This just furthers my opinion that Gus Malzahn with be a head coach in the NFL in the next two years. You don't go from highschool to the NCAA National Championship Game in seven year without being a once in a generation talent.
Sorry for the misspelling! I was still at the bar.
It really sounded the announcer said "furor" at the very end.
Way to go Travs! You've managed to create a mascot that is creepier than King Cake Baby, more frightening than Hugo the Pelican and more rapey than Clark the Cub! Hail to the Natural State!
As a Razorback fan, it pains me to see a headline featuring the word "hogwild" next to another team's name but that said, well done Dayton.... well done.
Forgettable? Yes. But at least we finally got a season that was actually watchable. We haven't had one of those since 2000.
Funny but unfair. He walked in to a program with an incredibly bare cabinet of players at Arkansas.
You're right, you can't watch football on Hulu. But I can watch it for in HD for free on my rabbit ears. Sometimes old tech is still pretty damn useful.
If only one of his superpowers was making free throws.
I know! As soon as I saw this I thought Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man!
Yes but only if you're an athlete.
Yes but only if you're an athlete.
Yes but only if you're an athlete.