Guy Incognito II

*Spike Lee just tweeted condolences to Glenn Close*

They should age all the characters up ten years. Buck Strickland had his fifth and final heart attack. His widow closed down all the Strickland Propane branches, leaving Hank unemployed at the moment. Peggy got out of real estate when the Arlen market dried up. Bobby is a struggling amateur comedian who works menial

Weee are never ever ever serving jury duty together.

Rush of House Limbaugh, sigil a golden microphone, motto "We do not exercise".

Was that Bronn or Tyrion pushing Jaime into the water? The stuntman was a little short.

What's more impressive is how many alleys Chicago has. No city in the country has more alleys. They're a great place to hang out, smoke. I love drinking and loitering in alleys. Plus it's a great place to put your garbage. What kind of savages keep their garbage on the street?

In Soviet Russia, dog jerk you!

Martin was already black Friends. Martin had two male friends: a dumb guy, and a guy with a boring, forgettable job. That makes Ross the Martin. Gina was the Rachel, and her bitchy friend was the Monica. Sheneneh was quirky like Phoebe.

Interstellar Overdrive is the only good Pink Floyd song. I tuned out after Syd left.

That guy is way too Jewish looking to be a white supremacist. He looks like an anorexic Peter Jacobson. Same haircut, too.

Bring back Stabler! I'm sick of these bland detectives that come and go every few seasons. So he shot a nun. Who hasn't? She shouldn't have been standing up during a shootout anyway.

Those stupid Norwads get too much sunlight. Or not enough, depending on the time of year, or how far north they are. They are the Land of the Midnight Sun, after all.

Guy Fieri Food: Cookin' It, Livin' It, Lovin' It. It's got some righteous recipes straight outta Flavortown.

If she didn't want to get insulted, she shoulda gone on NPR instead. I can't imagine Terry Gross saying "that ninja doing his thing….ain’t finna get me."

Good. That's my favorite Neil Young album.

When she was talking to the banker, Cersei told him she beheaded the Dornish woman. Did that happen offscreen or was she lying to him?

Bruce Springsteen bought me a union card and wedding coat after I knocked up my girlfriend back in high school.

Haaaaaaaands across her twatter! Haaaands across her thighs!

Is the villain Slick Willie, always with the smooth talk and murder?

I'd rather see a sequel to Salt, where she teams up with a black person named Pepper.