Guy Incognito II

Kinja delenda est.

Kinja delenda est.

Kinja delenda est.

*A hipster gets shot multiple times*
"Were those artisanal, small batch bullets? It's just not the same authentic experience with mass produced ammunition, ya know?"


Sympathy for the Blue Devil
Stray Catwoman Blues
Can't You Hear Me Knocking You Out

Yes, the flavor of the month should get as much as the industry veterans, that sounds reasonable.

Disqus will gladly host them, amirite? There will never be a worse commenting system.

That girl up there doesn't look like a bucktoothed Luxembourgian.

If the AV Club doesn't eat the wee turtles, who will?

Choke on your lies!

The world's creepiest Rutles fans can buy Elaine Rugby's urn.

You still have Guy Incognito. You all still have Guy Incognito!

"Bedding Taylor Swift
Every night inside the Chuck E. Cheese ball pit"

Frank Costanza's Lawyer?

Too bad I live in a civilized Union town (Chicago) where we have no monuments to Confederates. I really want to deface a statue now. There is a Picasso sculpture, but I'd be called an asshole.

Adam Driver auditioned for Salacious Crumb, but they wanted someone more handsome.

They're gonna need a new drummer after Animal died in that bizzare gardening accident.

Boba Fett spinoff or get the fuck out! It could start right after Luke and his friends blow up Jabba's barge and fly off. Boba climbs out of the Sarlaac pit. He vows to destroy Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.

So how about an inventory of the best "big natural boobs" in contemporary pornography? These are the kinds of lists I want to see, not the typical lowbrow garbage on here.