Guy Incognito II

Make sure to pay up, because Elmo knows where you live.

I hope he's bullied so harshly, he eventually takes his own life.

Does Win Butler like rock n roll music? Cuz I don't know if he do. Five years off and this is the best they came up with? I miss the days when bands released an album every two years at most. The Arcade Fire is OVER!

If Ron Jeremy can do it, I'm sure Bannon can do it, too. They have a similar physique.

Who says Apu De Beaumarchais is an Indian? By the many arms of Vishnu, he swore it is a lie.

There's also a conspiracy theory that terrible filmmakers Friedburg and Seltzer (Date Movie, Epic Movie, etc) don't exist and that their movies are directed by Stephen Soderbergh. Seltzer (soda) + Burg = sodaburg, or Soderbergh.

Guy Incognito is a man of wealth and taste, so when he goes to the Louvre, he skips the Gionconda and goes to gaze upon The Coronation of Napoleon. Now there is an imposing and magnificent painting, like the petit caporal himself.

His figure is certainly Greek, but that mustache is a little weak.

If I ever go there, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking pastry in that room.

That ManĂ¡ slam came out of nowhere, the only non-English language artists on the list, and in the top 10 for some reason. Also, Christmas in the Heart is a delightful album. "Must Be Santa" is one of Bob Dylan's greatest songs.

Since the Mountain wasn't in the last episode, I think Cersei sent him to Casterly Rock already, and he'll be waiting for the Unsullied. He'll be the one who kills Grey Worm.

She's an enormous ass. Her ass is also enormous.

I wish he'd play more obscure songs from his catalog, like "Frozen Jap", "Check My Machine", or "Temporary Secretary".

Sam Jackson was right! There are too many British actors playing Americans these days. Please eliminate three. I am NOT a crackpot.

That's too bad, but they really should start making more Coca Cola Life, the green label that uses cane sugar and stevia. That shit is damn good, but hard to find.

You know, Daniel Johnston turned into Artie Lange so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Hey, Marion Cotillard may have gained a few lovers, but she's not some kind of love-crazed lunatic!

Atomic Blonde seems like it's part of the extended Wick Universe.

As Hank Hill's football coach used to say, "take a salt tablet".

He's more brand than "man" now, obnoxious and evil.