
Did you say $330 a month? Whoa. Where exactly do you live?

Hahaha! Thanks for this, from a fellow apartment-owning New Yorker.



Well, not exactly. You still need a downpayment. Typically, in New York City, that would require putting down 20 percent of the cost of the house. Or in some cases, 10 percent down.

Sounds nice. Where’s this brand new home?

Bahahaha! This has got to be the best use of that pic ever. Well done sir.

Is this the same Fareed Zakaria that’s been widely accused of plagiarism, with many documented instances of stealing other journalists’ work and passing it off as his own?

Those bars are terrible. Someone gave me one as a gift once and I couldn’t believe how awful it tasted. And at the time I had no idea how expensive they were.

Trump is saying what a lot of people who are worried about the death cult of Islam are thinking. The thing is, most people have enough sense not to say them out loud.

Awesome, I am going to check out that link you sent. Thanks again for sharing. I learned a ton (all of it fascinating).

Wow, that’s pretty fascinating and also really open-minded! You guys have a cool relationship. Thanks for sharing this. After reading your comment, I do have to wonder though about one thing. It sounds like the sex on-set can be very mechanical, detail-oriented and unnatural. Does your husband always enjoy it, or can

M-16, bulletproof vest and 500 rounds of ammo? Coming right up!

Good luck coming back to the U.S. from the Middle East, kid. We have a little thing here called the no-fly list.

Do you ever get jealous that he’s having sexual relations with other people (women I assume?). Do you guys have an open relationship?

What’s it like being married to a porn star?

I’ve never understood why so many women idolized this guy. He always seemed very creepy and douchey.

The fact that women go out “all the time and fail to pull a bloke,” doesn’t disprove the notion that women can get laid any time they choose. It just proves that sometimes they choose not to hook up with certain guys.

Good point, and agreed. It’s really disgusting and a sorry state of affairs. Excellent quote by the way. Hats off for referencing it.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m not surprised by Kasich and his misogyny. But in the case cited by Squarr, sadly, the accuser’s finger belongs to a woman: Republican congresswoman JoAnn Windholz of Colorado.