
I know people hate Back to the Future Part 2, but it is my favourite of the three.

Who uses actual maps any more?

Bring this to the tetris high council, have them deal the proper punishment

I don’t know you, off my friends list you go

I’ve been using the birthday reminder in the top right of Facebook as a way of remembering to unfriend people.

I hate this horizontal scroll, you can really only see about 3 apps at one time. I prefer the lollipop vertical scroll, showing me around 5 apps at one time.

What don’t you support?

Because obviously if you don’t do it you hate Gay people and Facebook wants to blacklist you

Oh no, how dare they go through pain /s

Glad to see I wan’t the only one who remembered this

Immediately deleted, no prompt

I’m stock on the nexus 5, with the most up to date google photos. Not sure why it isn’t working the way yours is, I would like it to.

Just tried, this is untrue. You get the option to delete the online copy or the device copy, but not both at the same time.

sure beats 1 radio station

I hate that I need to delete twice with the updated app now, before it would delete both online and device versions


Is this dirt?


I feel like the horizontal multitasking screen hides other open apps to much, the vertical scroll from Android lollipop does a better job, I think, of showing you more apps that are running