
Surprisingly ugly for an Apple product. I think I'd rather just have any of the ones available on Amazon for 1/3rd the price.

... pretty sure steve jobs would tell you to “go fuck yourself” for that comment. Clearly anything branded apple is not only good for typing... its good for clicks on websites. ;)

Why wouldn’t it be? Apple continues to lock down the UI so much and limit how apps can interact with system variables.

I always twist the bag a few times and fold it under the bread or bagels. Works just fine. The weight keeps it twisted and shut.

I’m a GT fan as well but having played both Forza and GT games, nearly every game in each series, Forza keeps getting better, GT is too but feels stuck in the past. Each new game feels more like a polished port of the previous game with little new content to seperate it. And while GT easily eclipses Forza for number

Tech companies are funny that way. Like Apple, who decided to show round data and images on a square screen.

The worst offender is this writer for CNN:

Let’s review:

Or you could just use the Chrome extension that makes Hangouts live in the systray and your conversations will always be on top, and not waste an entire tab on it.

They did have Kit-Kat...

Windows 10 defies review.

Wireless charging is completely useless and no one needs it.*

*Until Apple includes it in a phone.

A five blocks long tetris line!? Heresy!

Maybe I’ve been watching too much Orange is the new black, because they all look prisoners to me...

Gold star for effort but, the reason my phone gets hot in the car is google maps thrashes the cpu. You know what I can’t see when the phone is down there getting cooled off? Google maps.

LOL this is amazing I fuckin love you... no homo :P

“It’s not that we’re pretending they are something new. We are just appreciating that they are now on a platform that actually works.”

“The best Android features that are now on iPhone”

Like honestly its not the fact that you prefer iPhone over Android but it’s really annoying to hear everyone pretend that these features are something new. I bet the iPhone 6S will have a back button and everyone will lose their marbles over it.