

Honestly who puts an antenna here? This looks terrible, try harder Ford.

The window snapping has been around since windows 7...

I thought they already had this

Really looks like an inefficient design for swimming

As long as it doesn’t tell time right?

flashlight is built into the notification tray, what do you need an app for?

I’d say the xbox 360 has a better library, especially when games actually go lower than $40

I’d say the xbox 360 has a better library, especially when games actually go lower than $40

Probably leaving it out because it might bogg down the system to much. Its a better system then Apple has where they keep pushing updates to devices that cannot handle them.

Destiny (digital version) for xbox one is also $30 in Deals with Gold

Destiny (digital version) for xbox one is also $30 in Deals with Gold

If we’re getting technical it should say Flavian Amphitheatre

I could see this being useful to colour coat your lenses if you have many

not sure if that’s true

just checked youtube and with adblockplus and got no ads

Microsoft Edge come preloaded with new U2

I think they kept it so they could keep the iconic “e”

it supports edge, which has internets, which has porns

you can have them floating in space too, place your screens an inch off the wall

Canadian Readers:

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