You think maybe the partly skimmed ones have a dude because they are for gay guys?
“... a stream of Orthodox Judaism characterized by rejection of modern secular culture.”
Teehee, ikr... and according to the Jewish calendar it’s year 5776
In The Shining, they had the ham radio though, and were in regular contact with a ranger station or something till the end
Were any of them drunk? I haven’t read or heard that (relevant as many claim them to be Arab, who are predominantly Muslim; Muslims don’t drink alcohol).
Hi, and welcome to gawker! You must be new here.
Not relevant, but for some reason I want to point out that Hungary is where kinja is made
I now rite..... it brothers me to. Its like on alot of web sights, people just half too have miss spelt things, as if theirs know way too cheque if there rite or wrong. Better then nothing, I spose.
Don’t Messopotamia yourself
Embedded video is broken for me too; I’m using chrome on an android tablet
I’m pretty sure the guy is using the tablet’s camera, and they are both taking a photo of something we can’t see to the left
Of course the kid got scared, the shadow is black and wearing a hoodie is good because of multiple sources all on the same page
No one’s mentioned Celine Dion yet?
That’s a really good point
Ikr, and how has she still not been impeached?
Also, NFB moments
Men Should Not Have to Foot the Bill on a Date