super hella fragile racist extra #Bragadocious
super hella fragile racist extra #Bragadocious
Oh, not to worry she did.
But by going “final girl” they steer right into the “black people always die in horror movies” trope.
A psychiatrist I know has a strategy that works, but drives the person nuts. When they start talking about Trump, pretend you’re hiding laughter. As though you desperately want to, can barely contain, laughing right in their faces. It plays into all their worst fears about people thinking they’re stupid and ignorant.…
It’s on display in Detroit. I assume it’s the reason Trump said “titties” in Detroit today. Nice work, Baphomet!
I hope everyone caught Scott Baio getting his vile ass handed to him by Tamron Hall. It was pretty satisfying.
Jones also reportedly ran from the scene of the testing but came back minutes later to try and retrieve his sample.
I know which ham sandwich yours is!!
Remember when a bunch of people were assholes to Leslie Jones? When the fashion world spurns you because of some…
Nerd rant. Let’s do this.
#1 alternate timeline. ALL we know is that in the original series he had a daughter (he never had any romantic relationships on-screen). Ok fine, in the re-booted universe he wound up with a man. That doesn’t rule out his character being bi-sexual. And again, i re-iterate, alternate universe.
Oh yeah, talking about great soundtracks, how come there’s no Streets of Rage in the list?
I will play. 4, 2, 1, 3.
With his strategically hidden Norman Peenus
A game starring Norman Reedus with his Norman Feetus
Agreed. I was/am a Sanders supporter. I did my part by voting for him in the primary. Hillary won and although I don’t agree with everything she does/says, I will vote for her come the general election. She is a moderate Dem and though it’s not ideal in my mind, it’s good enough. I feel like the movement/support…
Normally the nomination of a woman for a national party ticket would get a full throated YAZ KWEEEN! from me, but the woman being Hillary, I shall merely golf clap and whisper a polite Yes Queen.
Too bad they take 10 minutes of spinning to take on and off :/