
It’s popular to hate on Bioware games among a large segment of the internet population now especially DA: I even though it was a unanimous RPG of the Year and pretty strong Game of the Year title.

This post is satire by humor writer Alexandra Petri

Biologically speaking, can a person have more than 4 grandparents? Am I missing something?

I’m sorry you’re so jealous of me but I can’t help it I’m smart.

Me too! Why should Trump just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Hillary is just as cute as Trump, right? Hillary is just as smart as Trump, people totally like Hillary just as much as they like Trump, and when did it become okay for one person to be the

He isn’t trying to play to black voters. He is pretending to play to black voters so white voters that he has horrified with his open racism will give him a second chance - “oh look, maybe Donald isn’t a raging racist asshole after all, I guess I can vote for him without having a guilty conscience.”

He’s just asking for transparency in gaming wardrobes. Is that too much to ask?

Orange dirty old crocks in a White House????

I’ve just had it with the never-ending false equivalencies. You have Trump telling people in swing states to be “vigilant at the polls” and to “watch out for voting fraud”, and jackasses like dude here wanna throw up a pic of two homeless lookin idiots who, at the direction of nobody in particular (especially Barack

Those hands

I don’t want it to happen but I kind of do.

It was right up there with “I shouldn’t have said half. That was wrong.”

Melania wasn’t throwing shade; she still fully supports her husband.

The video version is even better:

The Economist’s new cover:

Legally Bland

For those of you looking for it, here’s the passage in question: