The first Wrestlemania I watched live on TV was WM12. Goldust, HHH, and the Undertaker all had matches at that one.
The first Wrestlemania I watched live on TV was WM12. Goldust, HHH, and the Undertaker all had matches at that one.
I still remember when Perry Saturn kicked out of Raven’s “Even Flow DDT” at Fall Brawl 1998. (It was the only great match on an otherwise terrible card.) Even then, it was a huge deal for a wrestler to kick out of another’s signature finishing move.
Many of those matches did not go the way I expected. Rousey stole the show by dominating not only Steph, but HHH as well. Undertaker went through all his signature spots in a quick win over Cena. Styles and Nakamura could have been better, but it looks like their feud has only just begun. And Lesnar’s win over Reigns…
The next four episodes of Steven Universe have been available online (legally, even!) for a few weeks now.
It’s never grindy, really. You’re not likely to ever be under-leveled for any of the game’s mandatory battles. And unlike the first game, you’ll never have to farm enemies for drops, or to build your team. Monster recruitment has been done away with. Character improvement and material gathering are mostly integrated…
There are about 175 sidequests, and they all have little stories attached. Some of them are as simple as “Please fetch me some wool so I can knit my friend a sweater” while others have more elaborate and heartbreaking stories (like the one with the ghost dad). I won’t go into any more detail to avoid spoilers.
I generally disliked whenever the game would throw extraneous obstacles at me. For example, the more advanced sound-based puzzles in the forest had all sorts of animal noises to distract you and obscure the hints you needed to solve the puzzle.
The mid-card of Wrestlemania this year is so incredibly stacked with people who will be going all out to entertain the crowd (and looking to prove that they deserve to be headlining PPVs over the next year): Bryan/Zayn/Owens, Balor/Rollins, Nakamura/Styles and maybe even Strowman/Bar will all be vying for the “Savage…
My personal feeling is that if you, as an artist, have something specific and concrete to say (to the point where you get noticeably upset when people have differing interpretations of your work) then you should make your message clear. Don’t make a complex, layered work of art and then get all snotty and indignant…
It’s funny how much marketing changes our attitudes, especially with beer. When I started drinking beer in the 90s, draft was considered to be the cheapest and scuzziest way to drink beer (bear in mind that this was also an era where most bars only had 2-3 “imported” varieties of beer*). But the gradual proliferation…
My first thought when this episode ended was that it would make a great series finale (notwithstanding that most of the cast is absent.) It wraps a perfect bow on the Peralta-Holt conflict that was introduced in the series premiere.
I was a little disappointed with the kingdom building. It’s a lot of management, but without any substantial element of creativity or puzzle-solving.
Bring back Spot.IM! It was unusable, but it was hilarious!
And if it comes down to it, they’ll march day and night on N Franklin Street so dark...
I remember the movie being a huge deal with my peers when it came out (I was an 11-year-old Canadian boy.) When you’re that age, you’re used to being forced to sit through movies which have nothing but boring and sappy adult themes, so you latch on to any movie that actually has things like slapstick humor and kids…
I could see Sarah Chalke’s Becky marrying David, but not Lecy Goranson’s Becky.
I went to see Be Kind: Rewind on opening night, in a packed theatre. I was expecting a silly movie in a kind of Wayne’s World vein. I got about 30-60 minutes of that silly movie, and then it was followed by a delightfully sincere and heartbreaking movie about a group of people enjoying one last night of freedom before…
I really need to rewatch A.I. I discuss elsewhere why the movie didn’t work for me on first viewing, but maybe the sentimentality will ring true if I catch it in a different mood.
Maybe his career would have worked out better if Square hadn’t taken so long with Kingdom Hearts 3.