Unexpected Dave

A lot of franchises have that escalating weirdness that ends up unraveling into nonsense. Pretty much every 80s toy/cartoon fell into that trap. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero went from semi-realistic counter-terrorism to a villain who turns into a giant snake. Transformers was pretty high-concept from day one, and

With the way that Adventure Time has already resolved so many of its mysteries in the past few years, the build-up to the finale can’t help but feel anticlimactic. I’m sure the show will rise to the occasion, and pull off some great character moments and plot twists, but the trailer above just makes the finale look

I can’t wait until Friday. This looks great.

There are certainly some cases where the film adaptations of Dick’s works were better than the stories that inspired them, but I don’t know that any of those original stories were straight-up BAD.

Deadpool comics are pretty uneven. His classic 90s stuff stood out at the time, because it was humorous when other Marvel comics were all deadly serious. Yet it doesn’t really hold up all that well now. I did like Frank Tieri’s brief run on the title in 2001, and Cable/Deadpool was pretty good. I also liked Daniel

I think City would be more worried about playing Liverpool in a straight knock-out game, like the final. All it takes to lose a final is one bad game. But over two legs, you expect City to outscore Liverpool.

It’s a shame how there’s precious little original video game music on digital services.

I already have the first three soundtracks on CD, and I’m still tempted to pick this up.

I hope that 100% completion of the kingdom is something that can be viably achieved in a reasonable time frame (like in ActRaiser or the Dark Cloud games).

I remember not liking Ni No Kuni’s combat at first (too much to manage during battle, even when it’s just Oliver) but I liked it a lot more once I got used to it. I especially enjoyed it once I found the right party make-up to just annihilate everything in a flash.

“Keep up with the kingdom building” seems to be this game’s equivalent to “Get out of the Hinterlands!”

You have to dig pretty deep (or just hop across the pond) to find a decent album that didn’t at least make a token showing on the Billboard 200 in 1970. (Even MC5's Back in the USA made it to #137)

That’s a great collection of songs. Some other noteworthy non-charting tracks include “What is Quicksand?”, the debut single from the Stalk-Forrest Group, the band that would become Blue Oyster Cult.

Kudos for approaching the question from a kid-centric perspective, rather than simply worrying if it inconveniences other patrons. When bars routinely tolerate, or even encourage, boisterous outbursts from their adult patrons, why should we care what those people think of children? We need to worry about what children

I’m still playing Mass Effect 2 right now. I should have the suicide mission finished by next Friday, so I can dive right in to Ni No Kuni 2 and Detective Pikachu next weekend.

Hey, it’s been exactly one year to the day since the first batch of episodes were added! It’s sad to see that Netflix let so many of them go on their anniversary, but at least they’ve filled in the blanks.

When I was eleven, and my brother was ten, my mother finally decided it was OK for us to be latchkey kids. Before that, we always had some form of after-school care.

In my neck of the woods, there’s no meaningful difference between a bar that serves prepared food and a restaurant that serves alcohol. It’s not uncommon to see children dining with their family in such places.

As a hardcore Blue Oyster Cult fan, I dutifully bought a Full Moon box set in order to finally see Bad Channels. That was a delightfully over-the-top cheesy movie experience.

For what it’s worth, episode four made me cry more deeply than I’ve ever cried at an episode of television (even “Jurassic Bark” !).