

I'm sure a slice of demo who were between 9 and 12 when they heard that ugly awkward sequence of notes like a grade one piano lesson exercise feel real sure about voting it up. The first 5 seconds of Ramblin' Man is one of billions of better riffs.


I disagree. His angry man stuff is not funny at all.

"Shitshow" is an exaggeration. You can't call something a shitshow just because you think shitshow is a cool word. It isn't a true portmanteau word either if you see what I did they're.

Because he is half Finnish, half Swedish.

A great number of not very intelligent people work in television. They are extremely literal. They believe b.s. like "viewers must have someone like themselves to identify with". Bunch of stupes!!!
Age is very important in Game of Thrones: there must be many, many white-haired men, who fancy themselves swordsmen, who

"I have no business with you, Condor."
~ Max von Sydow

And - Woof! - they have not aged well.

Kang-ho Song is hilarious and human. He's terrific in Snowpiercer where they found a clever way to make use of the language barrier.

Yes. "Cloverfield" was a 20 story colossus but then shrank down to a size comparable to Marmaduke looming over a mouse when s/he snacked on the annoying indie filmmaker.

What they really said, "Screw it!" to is America's obsession with genre. The film mixed so many "genres" as to render the term meaningless, which is to the good. Also: the monster changed sizes several times due to CGI weaknesses. Just like Bruce in Jaws which was a 25 foot long behemoth, but when rattling Richard

All Monty Pythons, dressed as women, with handbags, would be enough to make me try watching this show again.

"Soylent green is nnng, pizza, mahhh."

In the banquet hall. With a banned box-cutter.

These are "Sponsored links by taboola." I am literally using adblocker. It doesn't stop those ads from appearing. Is there a super-tritium level adblawker I don't no about?

I would like to take this opportunity to respond to some of the click bait, immediately above this box which I am typing in. 1/ "25 Celebs who went from not to hot." Some did, some didn't, some went sideways, probably. NO CLICK. 2/ "1970s Ads you won't believe." Oh, yes I will. NO CLICK. 3/ "25 stars who are literally

Their heads are being saved for serious pursuits like careers in law, medicine.

Elderly white "swordsmen" and lesbians making out.

"Speak what you feel, not what you ought to say."