
You're doing fine so far, try again :)

NASA posted purple nebulae which burst into tears.

Gee, you think maybe they know how to market those particular movies?

Thank you.

See above :)


Any suggested listening along those lines?


Point to a few specific tracks other than the obvious hits for himself and others. I would appreciate some suggestions.

You would say that, wouldn't you, "Czeck luck hor"?

You mean you haven't seen the video for Portal's Curtain? What, are you mad?

I expect that was serious because - are you sitting down? - Tyler Perry is excellent in it.

I met Blake Lively. Damn. Ryan Reynolds sure can pick 'em. Wow, even more beautiful in person if you can believe it.

Not if they no what's good for them!

Batman. Adam West is the best and there is no point in denying it because he has bat anti-denial spray in his utility belt.

I didn't say he did. But I'm glad we agree. Perhaps if we shout loud enough, Horton Cumberbatch will hear us?


"Starry starry night…" makes me cry just writing those three words :(

No. But it makes fine mulch. Shirley, you are not referring to the Karloff voiced TV cartoon.

Arrogant? Breaking News: Pot calls kettle black!