
There’s a fairly simple solution to this type of problem. Hire a few fake trainees to ride with trainers. Let trainers know that this could be happening and fire trainers who don’t know how to act like something other than pigs.

No joke. I wanted to do this after I finished high school but my parents talked me out of it. It still fascinates me but the shit that goes on is too much.

I worked for a small trucking company and this is not surprising to me at all. Vile.

I work in the trucking industry (not behind the wheel) and this isn’t surprising in the least. Most of the guys I work with I love but there are a few that I’m glad are on the road most of the time.

Well this is terrifying.

Leave me alone, mom! It’s so early. I don’t WANNA go to school.

World Domination “Economics”.

AMAZING news day, you mean?

If Bubba is going to American high schools to figure out nuclear secrets, you guys are further away from fusion than Iran. Try Germany, but just watch out for those shepherds.

This is a very handsome ID picture I was unaware this was possible good job Bubba I approve

Agent random cat Bubba is clearly just “chillin” as you say. Bubba is in no way attending classes in order to learn precious human secrets about things like thermodynamics and nuclear fusion in order to construct a power plant for team cat hq. Because that would be totally ridiculous and completely unbelievable.

Christ. Get that cat away from sociopathic teenagers before something awful happens...

Obviously a woman making a video is silly, but Nabokov writing about fucking a teenager is ART.

I find it strange and alarming that so many people who might approach a fairly inscrutable piece of literature with a sense of inquisitiveness—willing to analyze it and think critically about it and explore the possible meanings—are dismissing this art piece out of hand as silly, worthless, stupid, self-promotion,

Now playing

She is trying to make us complicit, men and women both. It’s a statement on our own participation in a patriarchal system in which rape is both reality and metaphor. Think Yoko Ono:

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Find a new way to troll. Expand your horizons. It’s your manifest destiny.

I didn’t see anything wrong with it. And most pessimistically, it was very smart on his part.

That was pretty damn good. I usually assume Micheal Kay to be a Steinbrenner lapdog, but he acknowledged and made it seem like a big deal.

I don’t know how dismissive the announcing team of Kay and Singleton was. This was also a road game in Boston no less. That went pretty much how I think everyone expected.