
Soup. Soup is funny.

...then a serious thumb injury and the premature birth of his daughter wrecked the rest of his season.

Can we have a lentil sympathy for Damon Jones here?

I’d say more like a chortle.

It’s almost as if Trump is a liar and just says crazy shit all the time but people still report his words as fact.

It’s not that the president is liar- you kind of expect that of politicians, to a point- it’s that he is a bullshitter.

Why do people keep calling him “General Kelly”? I don’t remember Colin Powell being referred to as “General Powell” during the Dubya years.

AS Time’s Person of the Year for 2006, I am outraged.

Did you all know I was Time’s Person of The Year because I’m amazing?

You and I brother.

I look forward to seeing pictures of Trump and his cabinet dressed in old-timey Western clothes in official press photos.

God, I miss Fringe.....

It’s their latest attempt at half-assing it.

Somehow I doubt he’s a Lebowski fan though.

The shocker is that the Time cover is real. The thing is it’s from a parallel world where he’s actually revered.

When I was a kid they used to do these at amusement parks. In fact I may have a picture of myself at the age of 10 on a Time magazine as well.

It’s like pulling a floorboard off of the court.

On the fairway, you don’t want to leave a divot, but at least players are lifting the ball into the air from the fairway. On the green, they’re hitting the ball on the ground, and by driving your cart on the green, you’re creating a rut along the path of the ball. It

It’s like scooping a giant hole in the ice of an ice hockey ring.

In baseball terms, it would be like bunting during a perfect game or showing up the pitcher by admiring a home run. Against the rules, no. But it violates the unwritten rules and is impolite/disrespectful in the game of golf (where respect and politeness mean more than just about any other sport).

The weight of the cart can flatten out the grass a bit and mess with how putts roll. It ain’t cool.