
Well done!

I accept your apology.

So it is my responsibility to read your comment history before replying to an asinine comment? Should I ask for a resume too?

The guy running away is my new hero... He is literally running circles around them.

Did you actually watch the video? They came to his aid the second time he got knocked down on the way back to their side of the field.

If this was in a Turkish "Soccer" league, the video would be titled A Peaceful Game.

COTD and +1000 internet points

No, he did something out of frame. Something good.

Yes. Yes it should.

yes please

They don't look like professionals.

Amazing to think that soccer players actually can stay on their feet after contact when they really want to.

None of the other blue guys seem very interested in helping him out, so either they know he can't be caught, or they're tired of his shit.

The goalie trip and the second guy I can see as retribution for the blue-shirt dickhead kicking the ball out of play after the score. Dumb, but a dick move.

Jesus, I haven't seen a Greek with that many men after him since Alcibiades.

I married my high school sweetheart. One evening I walk into the office to see some suspicious IMs. The words "I love you" were on the screen. She said it was her sister, but I didn't believe it. So I installed a keylogger on my computer. A couple of days latter I check the logs and read the whole conversation.

The references to "fake" is about the that it is not a competition, but a performance, for not like there is any money being wagered on the outcome of a "match." However, that does not take away from the athleticism involved, any more than it does with ballet dancers or those who

That was a strange comment. People only mention the fakeness of wrestling in terms of it being not a competitive sport. The high quality of the stunts has always been pretty unquestionable though.

I watched this episode and I was bummed the guy in the middle didn't make it but thrilled that the other woman got not only in the negatives but a whopping -$6,800. In her little personal story but she bragged about being in some youth knowledge tournament and being much younger than the other contestants. She was so

Great illustration by Sam Wooley.... Gawker Inc. has some of the best art in the biz.