Get out! I hope he knows he's the star of one of our favorite gifs!
Get out! I hope he knows he's the star of one of our favorite gifs!
Wanna hear something interesting? That ref there is my cousin.
Look, I'm a hack, but I'm not that much of a hack. Sheesh.
It seems to me that the biggest problem is people who don't trust their material. Jay Leno is one of the worst. He would tall a joke in his monologue, then as the audience laughed, he would just keep talking. Jimmy Fallon is just as bad. (Maybe it's an NBC thing?) Letterman generally does not, and Carson was the…
The original tagging of him was "pitiful." Olbermann has attacked PSU, alums, and students for supporting and celebrating a man who de facto condoned child rape.
"How could you let that guy in the building?" - Assistant Manager, Red Lobster
Too bad for Harry. Just missed the opportunity to get himself into a relationship with English royalty.
Not many people do things like VCU's band does, unfortunately.
More notable to me is the marching tubas that the VCU band uses. How many other bands do that?
First of all, fuck Twitter, this had got to be the shittiest way ever invented to tell a story.
Years ago I remember my father saying that "all coaches are mentally ill." This was from a guy who loved sports, whose kids and grandkids all love sports. Then he reconsidered his statement and said, "All coaches are mentally ill except Dean Smith. He is the only one with an ounce of class." I never knew why he…
He was also way ahead on gay rights and a founding member of a congregation that licensed a gay minister.
"Let's all take a time-out and pause for a moment of silence."
I graduated from Carolina last May, and I heard a lacrosse player start a funny speech in our public speaking class with this story.
I understand your pont, and really- Fuck the NCAA, but I challenge you to find a single player who played for Coach Smith who doesn't consider their time at UNC to be one of the most important formative times in their lives, and who didn't see the man himself as one of their most important personal advisors.
Plenty of African-Americans supported Chapel Hill over Charlottesville for decades. Sure, Bobby Stokes was on the team that won the ACC tournament in 1976. But I don't think the resentment against UVa cooled until Terry Holland successfully recruited Ralph Sampson; Smith, of course, had Jordan. You still find…
"In 1949, as a high school basketball player in Kansas, Smith fought to integrate his school's all-white and all-black basketball teams."
After years of razzing Dean Smith during games at Reynolds, I ended up working on a shoot to create a promo video for his book. He was really nice to me while we set up the green screen on the court of the Dean Dome. Afterwards I needed to get him to sign the location release from. "I don't think I can sign this,"…
His will has requested that he be cremated, and his ashes spread to the four corners of the earth. RIP.
Naismith taught the game to Phog Allen.