The age-old question for many Pokémon fans has always been: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? Everyone has an…
The age-old question for many Pokémon fans has always been: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? Everyone has an…
I know never said those witnesses were definitively correct, only that their testimony is evidence. It's clear that many, including the grand jury and the prosecutor, simply seem to believe witness #10, whose testimony most closely jibed with the officers. We are free to speculate as to why that is, but either way,…
According to a number of eyewitnesses he did. Only one person who was there said he didn't, and that was the guy who murdered him.
You might even say the the "Evil Empire" that Reagan spoke of is defeated, not destroyed. Perhaps on the verge of an... awakening?
Can't stop, won't stop watching this gif(t).
Some of them really didn't.
Little girl was going deep. ***finger snaps***
For all the dead ppl
I'd think the fact that about 5/10 articles/posts/whatever have one or more comments of this sort would lead to adjusted expectations.
Is that you, Gisele?
This is a good stylistic guideline, but it's not applicable here—his rampage was entirely insane, but it was not entirely masturbatory. Though you may be more interested in the masturbation (and hey, who isn't?), it was only a small part of the rampage and so carries less importance than the adjective "insane." As for…
I was annoyed at this comment until the last two glorious sentences.
I saw Insane Masturbatory Rampage open for Slayer in '92.
Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane…
Again, Welker was out performed by someone younger.
Apparently the ambulance wasn't the only thing leaking fluids, amirite?
"Canada does not extradite to countries that employ the death penalty"
You're missing the point then. As I point out both here and in my comment just below it, I do way more than the man in the house. And I see this reflected in my female friend's relationships as well. Women typically do more and manage more so it's harder to balance it all and so sometimes we don't.
Charizard made it into Smash Bros 4. Nuff said.