The gaming community is really the worst thing for gaming.
The gaming community is really the worst thing for gaming.
"But really, I was just asking questions, and questions that had been rigorously constructed with unbiased academic oversight: my methodology and construction alone had been critiqued and refined for over two months by academics and experienced researchers."
sunlight, women, cardio...
So... White dudes crying about bullshit?
Ohhhhhhh boy, prepare for a massive influx off #notallgamers and links to youtube videos showing you the "truth".
The #Gamergate community is a hate group. Let me explain why.
Tell me it ain't so, PewDiePie.
Solid theory.
Earlier today, my esteemed colleague Drew Magary dropped "A Field Guide To American Truthers," in which the Big…
I was thinking last night... you know... is there a chance that pitch was totally grooved and this whole fairy tale ending thing is manufactured? Yeah, there's a chance. Is it a good chance? Maybe. But I realized that I really, truly, do not care. The older I get (and I would say that I'm a Yankee fan), the less and…
"Hey guys, any word on those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness?"
"I could be upset about it," Meek said, "but I'm planning on inheriting the earth later, so who gives a fuck?"
Last year, I bawled my eyes out when Mo left the mound for the last time. I seriously cried for about 10 minutes when Andy and Jeet took him out and he crumbled in front of the crowd.
What an absolute class act. He couldn't have handled the situation any better. You really gotta hand it to Evan Meek for grooving that pitch in to Jeter.
Could you be any cruller?
Did he shout "HEY KOOL AID!!!" when he did it?
I know, the pun is kind of old fashioned. I bet your eyes just glazed over when you read it.
If you're a cop, you donut want to do something like this. You'll be hearing about it for your hole life.
As coffee lover who has lived in New England his whole life and Massachusetts for all but 4 years in college, I approve of this. DD sucks.
It's a bit generous to call a Dunkin' Donuts a donut shop, isn't it?