
I hate all the “boys talk” about “girls” and “dirty and bad stuff.” We’re talking about a then 59-year-old man bragging about sexual assault, not 7-year-old Donny yelling the word “penis!!” at Nancy on the playground because little Billy told him to.

I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.

Can you imagine their shower drain situation? I bet you walk into any one of their bedrooms and a tumbleweed of golden hair will roll by in welcome.

I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that the people quoted have the last name Nfinger.

“I’m so very sorry, but when we were stitching you up Dr. WTF sewed his finger to your labia. It didn’t worsen the tear, but fluids mixed and we do need to do an HIV test. After we re-sew.”

My doctor, talking to a resident about me: “Oh, his intestines are hideous.”

Either way, why give Trump yet another reason to blow the lawsuit horn, gathering his army of Orc lawyers.

It was right up there with “I shouldn’t have said half. That was wrong.”

Allred got into an elevator I was on once, and I swear she could freeze Satan with her glare. The woman doesn’t fuck around, even when asking someone to push the Lobby button.

It was his... er... evil twin, Ronald Trump! Yeah, it was Ronald! Better go catch him before that strapping hunk of man does it again! That’s the ticket!

Yes, we really need someone to explain this. I wish it were someone else, since she’s the Al Sharpton of women’s issues—you see her and you can’t help but groan wishing the victim had chosen a different spokesperson. But I am seeing a lot of posts on fb and comments elsewhere doubting the women because “they’re just

Jesus Drove a Honda Accord, Everyone knows that

I went to Penn with Ivanka. Graduated with her in 2004. My fratbrothers would have never said such a thing about her or others. Yeah, she’s “hot” or whatever. But “piece of ass” would have been a weird, overtly revealing statement that would have invited criticism or mockery.

On the field he was a really great player who played a key role in his teams winning 3 World Series and reaching one more. He is a solid Hall of Fame candidate, although I don’t know if he’ll get in. I’m a Red Sox fan, he was a huge reason why they won in 2004 and 2007.

To be fair, you shouldn’t expect Curt to be 100% mentally there during this interview, what with all the blood coming out of his... whatever.

Schilling is the same guy who went absolutely batshit insane when his daughter was the subject of social media trolls a little while ago. Yet he has no problem with the Trumpster drooling over young girls. Why, it’s almost like Curt’s a giant goddamn hypocrite!

Remember that time when Curt Schilling was cool for like two minutes because he went after the people making comments about his own daughter?

Farenthold is doing real yeoman’s work, and I applaud his continued work on proving exactly how terrible Trump is.