
How could “Rick” Flair be one of your favorite wrestlers if you misspell his first name

“Hooves” — Sincerely, the CIA

With one playoff game, that’s 21. Take off your pants, Sir ...

You magnificent bastard!

I see what you did there, you Magnificent Bastard!

Disadvantages of changing clocks twice a year? Do you also drive from your house to your next door neighbor’s house?

Three of our last four Houston mayors have been black, lesbian, and black. So, GTFO

If only Bill Simmons still had that show on HBO, he’d interview Juice for the ratings bump

Heyman once turned on Brock in Vince’s ECW and allied himself with Big Slow, so there is precedence

It’s goid he didn’t quote Dusty’s “shameful” speech at the wedding

I see what you did there, if you did know the first two syllables of her last name mean Black in the Polish language

Yo, it’s “minizzle”. — Snoop

Amber Lynn might want royalties from the Miami Spice name. A friend told me.

Can’t give this one enough stars

The last 1:41 of the Celtics-Bulls game took 17:32. Incessant time outs and commercial breaks. This is ridiculous.

It appeared evident that the president was referring to illegal immigrants, so maybe he should change the name of the office to VOIICE, which would resolve the initial debate.

Hillary winning would have totally resulted in Garland “honorably” stepping aside so that Hillary could put in her choice of far leftist activist nominees. Then the conspiracy theorist would say that Roberts would suddenly want to spend more time with his family, and Hillary would replace Roberts with Obama as Chief

And Robert Bork died right after Obama was re-elected. I wonder if Biden and the Dems would want that vote back, as Obama could have put in a third alt-leftist on the SCOTUS, and the Republicans would have been powerless to stop it.

How high is severe? — Owen Hart

You pay attention. Well done.