
On the upside of things, finally built out a new computer, so maybe I can actually get some work done on the creative end of things. I've been handwriting a lot of my drafts lately, so at least I can get them typed up to be edited. I also have some video games I need to get caught up on.

I plan on picking up Bug this week at some point. Besides that I've been going through a bunch of Marvel stuff due to it showing up Comixology unlimited. I finished the second volume of Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo's run. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would, I kind of wish I had kept up with it as it was

Either my issue of Shutter with the sketch cover by Leila Del Duca or my signed first printing of Phonogram

I think it depends on what circle you run in, the Scans_Daily folk don't seem too keen on him. I enjoy Hickman but I think he has the problem of telling people things instead of showing them. It seems like he has too many big ideas and sometimes he just has to tell the reader things instead of showing them. His

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

Its the greatest trick Doctor Manhattan pulled

Anyone know if it was explained at any point why Quentin Quire is no longer the White King of the Hellfire Club?

Because what better way to oppose the idea of fascist Captain America is a good ol fashion book burning!

Something something Simpsons quote something something


I'm fairly certain "a fucking war criminal who deserves to be in prison" could actually be used to describe a lot of superheroes.

everything is terrible

I honestly can't remember, probably before Disassembled. I mean I'm sure we'll still get things like Spider-verse but nothing line wide at least.

Possibly also appease the crowd that's vehemently against the legacy characters

Well this is being headed up by Dan Didio, so that shouldn't come as a surprise.

It'll be interesting when Secret Empire ends and there aren't any major event books for a year and a half

The maiming is a metaphor

Uh did they ever reign in his impulses for nostalgia? Pretty much his whole career was built off of it.

I'm consistently impressed with the book and what it accomplishes in the space that it does.

It's kind of Geoff Johns' calling card when it comes to event comics