Disqus people post like this!
Disqus people post like this!
Maybe “1, 2, 3, 4, who’s craft, what’s the score?” would be less obscure?
As one of my old co-workers who streamed Fox News at his desk once told me about one of Fox News’ cadre of replaceable blonde newsreaders on his second monitor: “Just look at her. I don’t care what she’s saying.”
The book is coming back after an almost 20 year hiatus. There are people buying comics for the first time that might look at the cover, see how much attention the book is getting from Image, and think “Hey, that sounds neat.”
Plus you know there will be breathless, complimentary coverage of it from fans of his work…
At least 45% (if not more) of my coverage in 2016 and 2017 has been about webcomics or small press, which are dominated by stuff other than old white guys. For half of 2015 and 2016 I reviewed exclusively comics with at least one person of color on the creative team. Last year’s comics week I wrote about how small…
Yeah, an unnanounced change to an already recently changed schedule cannot possibly further hurt the already anemic Kinja version of the comics community.
I just hope the website restores such luxurious features as ‘sidebar that displays recent content.’
Whoa! A Comics Panel dedicated to a single review, and posted on a Tuesday? Plus the offhanded mention last week that Big Issues will now be weekly again? This is great news. I’m guessing that the comics section got a much-deserved boost from the overlords after the recent Eisner win.
I haven’t wagered on a Scots-man since “Jokin’” John McCloud went 276 bare-knuckled rounds with Sammy Minolla in 1895.
It’s still in the grays.
What did you read this week?
We can comment on adverts? Holy mackerel! Let the vicious acerbic takedowns begin
Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.