
See this was my assumption too and I'm dude who routinely makes the bar listen to "Round About".

Of Walking in Ice: Munich - Paris 23 November - 14 December 1974 by Werner Herzog

Fuck my fucked up foot, trying to find an apartment in NYC, and how difficult it is for someone to get a restraining order.

My preferred method of waking myself up involves a hellish cacophony of different alarms scattered about my room all blaring a different tone

The BvS iteration of the character is pretty much there

I hear WB is in need of a script for another brooding vigilante who lost his family to gunfire. What's the worst that could happen?

Footnote for #5, only the part where the movie channels Frank Miller's run and Wolverine is slaughtering ninjas

Wait, there isn't a Beavis and Butt-head gimmick account?

Good to see you back! I didn't think it was the worst thing ever but then again I read a lot of bad comics this week. I agree it was a bit too decompressed but there were somethings I appreciated about it. Like the way Jennifer is shown in scale to the rest of the stuff to apartment.

Oh hey Cray is in this too? How many Atoms can they fit into one series? :D

Well Marvel is doing that with their characters for the most part. You have the old guard still in place to attempt to appease old fans but you have the new faces to help reach a new demographic. And I don't think this is going to change because it's consistently profitable. It may not be the behemoth sales force

Very much alive, last time she appeared I believe was in Uncanny Avengers after she helped reveal Ultron was in control of a fused Hank Pym/Ultron.

This feels like a missed opportunity to define what time stopping around an unstoppable mystical object sounds like.

For whatever reason this just made me notice a complete lack of comic book sound effects in these pages.

I found the best thing to use is one of those electrified flyswatters. They make a really satisfying popping noise when hit.

It's called Barry Allen syndrome

There is something magical about Del Mundo's art. I loved his Weird World and didn't think about how much he brought to that book until I checked out the Black Knight series set in the same place. It just felt like a generic fantasy world compared to what Del Mundo created.

I'm sure the user is glad to be off the hook

I imagine it involves a certain level of property damage

I thought if your show sucked that much is why they had vaudeville hooks?