According to to the Burger King soda mixing chart from when they introduced those make your own all in one soda machines, a drink consisting of 1/4 Coke and 3/4 Dr.Pepper is refereed to as a Black Gold. You're welcome.
According to to the Burger King soda mixing chart from when they introduced those make your own all in one soda machines, a drink consisting of 1/4 Coke and 3/4 Dr.Pepper is refereed to as a Black Gold. You're welcome.
Overwatch does in the form of loot boxes that provide purely cosmetic items but can also be earned as you level up instead of with cash.
I'm still enjoying Legion but I agree with what you're saying. Progression as a whole feels off and if this was the path they were taking with legendaries they should have all been utility oriented.
That sounds a lot like every online community right now.
But who will be the next poet laureate without Ted Nugent around!
It's too late. I stared into the abyss and now hear my call to R'lyeh
Between this and the Reddit Shazam thing I think I'm done with the internet for the day.
I'm a lesser person for looking further into this, like pretty anything involving Reddit.
Civil War II.
I just keep repeating it in my head with a sort of staring into the abyss gaze on. Pretty sure this is how cults form.
I almost got lightning bolts tattooed above my crotch when I was 18, so I can understand the appeal
I smell a Great Job Internet!
Dog…Fish… ABhead?
pABSt blue ribbon?
And a good bit of what was going on before that
*starts the slow clap*
Are you saying the Inhumans aren't going to show up?
Its because we complained about the Stranger Things articles, we didn't know how bad it could get
I don't think I've seen a Stranger Things themed roomba riding cat yet, you're welcome