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    The second season of The Expanse arrives Feb. 1st, and I'd sooner watch it than another half-baked Trek franchise outing, anyway.

    A mechanistic mishmash of Burton and Anderson that fails to capture the charms of either's narrative rhythm.

    Well, any composer possessing compositional talent rising above passable mimicry could have accomplished better.

    A: Alright everyone, set your expectations on low.
    B: But, captain, they're already two settings below that.
    A: Set them lower, dammit! This is CBS we're facing.

    Please ignore the market forces in the corner.

    The spandex.

    "…they can't outsmart"

    Ya, all that magenta is rather garish.

    If a daub of vaseline on the lens was necessary to make this film not only commercially viable but also persuasively entertaining and informative to as broad an audience as possible, then so be it. The story is worth it.

    Kindly enumerate what is "best" about Deadpool?

    Which made-up narrative is that? You mean the one where you gad about the Intertubes scolding complete strangers like a drive-by shrew? Or the one about the ganglia in your kneecap catalyzing the impulse to make unfounded judgements about other people's comments?

    Why the latter?

    Man, I love it when someone takes the time to comment on someone else's comment to let everyone know how much they 1) don't care about someone else's comment and 2) impute the incorrect motive of someone else's comment about said article.

    Who the fuck cares. Only morons and masochists tune into this sort of drivel.

    Death: Knock, knock.
    Carrie: Who's there?
    Death: Death.
    Carrie: Sorry, I gave.
    Debbie: Don't be rude dear. Charity begins at home.
    Carrie: Sure, mom. Be my guest.
    Billie: Close the fucking door! You're letting all the heat out.

    "You ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait for the surprises I've got in store for you all next year…" — Death

    Pass the torch, for pity's sake.

    Moffat can write a decent 1st act. It's the 2nd and 3rd that are ever letdowns.

    He doesn't have a good complexion to begin with.