Canceled my Model Y order a few months back due to his shitty antics. I hope he gets fired from the board due to all of his behavior.
Canceled my Model Y order a few months back due to his shitty antics. I hope he gets fired from the board due to all of his behavior.
This is right up my alley. I just canceled my Rivian R1S pre-order, didn’t like it for various reasons. However, with Lucid losing share value as well as revenue, I am just wondering how the company is going to handle the warranty on their vehicles. Any insight? Don’t know if this is a terrible purchase such as…
OMG, so so so so so excited for this!!! Currently need to finish BG3, but then jumping on this. I remember when this game came out on ps1, like it was yesterday. Used to play with my friends and discuss the story and the cool crafting of the crazy gear. Loved the combat, but seriously, the crafting system was amazing.…
I put in a pre-order for a Rivian R1S earlier this year. There’s a few EQS at my work and my director owns an EQS SUV. While luxurious, its one of the ugliest 7 seaters I’ve ever seen in my life. Aesthetically, there seems to be a major slump with Mercedes/BMW. So so so ugly. So excited for the Rivian next year though.
My test drive for the R1S is on the 28th of this month. I have heard the ride is rough on the R1S, but I am hoping the other benefits nullify the rough ride.
Seems like they have the upper hand and leverage, wonder when that tide will turn.
I’ve put in a pre-order for a Rivian R1S. Has anyone done shopping with them? Any discounts? Any negotiations?
I have a pre-order placed for the R1S. Super excited to try it out, it seems like that car has everything I need.
8 new Aston Martins for 500k? sounds like a good deal to me :P
It’s a cool game, enjoy it. Not too many cool games for me to enjoy these days.
I used to love the samples as a kid, it was fun and new and exciting. But as an adult, it’s really annoying. I am tired of all the families trying to feed their family members lunch with the free samples. They clog up the aisles, don’t have any courtesy for the others doing the shopping, and is an general overall…
That is one fugly interior/color.
As the owner of a 2014 4-series and lover of BMWs, the new BMWs are some of the ugliest cars ever made. I don’t see why anyone would buy one in terms of aesthetics.
Is there something similar for EVs? Or are they all just accelerated via software?
Looks like a 4-Runner and a Range Rover had a baby.
You’ve been missing for a while sir.
Level 38 in Act 3, love the bone spear and corpse explosion necro build so far. Going through enemies is cake, except for Butcher.
“Definitely not about money”!
Didn’t something similar happen when a girl tried to get some birds to cross the freeway at night, causing a biker to crash and die?
I am wondering how things are going to change. Been following this guy for at least 15+ years. We used to watch some of his videos in LAN parties, back when those were still a thing.