
How do insurance policies work on these press cars? What is the liability like?

The only films I agree with on this list are: Audition, Ringu, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks later. Others I have seen and a few I haven’t, but Audition will mess you up......

Just avoid the meats and go the vegetarian route. I can’t remember the last time I got food poisoning after going the vegetarian route.

6th Grade algebra and trig should have taught you that.......

At least he is willing to change. Why are you hating on a person who admits their viewpoint is flawed and is willing to change?

Responsible gun owners like me have been saying for years it’s way too easy to get a gun, we need stricter gun control. You don’t hear the sane and responsible owners in the news, because then they can’t sell the news. You only hear the nuts and a crazies that are part of the NRA.

Lots of minorities in that video.

Will it be horrible as the Hyundai Genesis Coupe? That car also looked great on paper but terrible in terms of turbo lag and handling.

The Supra that we were meant to have?

I hate the motion enhancing feature on the TV, but I do have to admit it’s great for certain categories. First category: sports, second category: fast action dramas such as Narcos. For anything that requires a cinematic feel, the enhanced motion is terrible.

Apple Maps.

I flew with WowAir expecting it to be horrible since they nickle and dime you for everything. My round trip flight from Iceland was roughly $450, including the extra legroom seats. The staff was very friendly, I had plenty of legroom, and had a pleasant flight. Don’t expect Emirates amenities, but the prices are still

It feels like a double standard in my opinion. When the Alt-Right does it, we scathe them for it. When a Trans Woman does it, it’s tone policing.

He reminds me of Sam Healy from Orange is the New Black.

Monterey Car Week: Making Ferraris and Lamborghinis look boring.

I hate it on my 4-series! The function makes it annoying to deal with the Bay Area traffic and get-go from stop lights and stop signs.


I own 4 guns as an enthusiast, and I think most responsible gun owners will tell you that there is nothing wrong with stricter gun control. I am all for stricter gun control. When shootings happen, it mislabels all responsible gun owners.

I’ll take two, and just add it to my model car collection.

LOL. Cormier is going to love this! Let the online fighting begin.