Almost as bad as the assholes here with their GT-Rs and license plates that read "OOO CHP".
Almost as bad as the assholes here with their GT-Rs and license plates that read "OOO CHP".
Jalponik's buyers guide:
This is a really interesting topic. I am a 29 year old man and I've never had such issues. Maybe it's because my mom has always been the breadwinner of the family and she plays a very big role in our large family group altogether. However, I've met many men who do have such distrust. One even told me that we would…
How the hell did it survive 84k miles in the first place? That seems like a miracle in itself.
You have greatly messed up the weight distribution that the miata is known for. Good luck making track day turns in that car.
What's next? The entire car is just a collection of UI panels?
Hopefully this isn't as terrible as FFXIII. Might be worth getting a ps4 for this.
Or...just use the grains from the bullets to create a fire to cook bacon.......
People need to do better things with their lives.
In response to the meth heads stealing copper from cars, why not just steal the whole car?
A startup is possibly the best place for a junior engineer or a college student. Long hours, but you learn a tremendous amount of things. Also, stock options have made certain individuals thousand-airs or millionaires overnight.
So it'll cost more to have dinner in Europe than to fly to Europe from the USA. Somehow I don't really believe this will ever happen....
Someone just royally screwed up the next 10-20 years of his life.
Not necessarily chief. I am a C# backend and frontend developer and Facbook interns make way more than me. If you're decent at what you do, and know how to market yourself, start applying for internships at the big companies. You'll be making bank in no time. I wish I certainly had this advice when I was going to…
I thought all this was common knowledge. It is, especially here in the Bay Area. Cut-throat and highly competitive.
Makes sense, thanks!