
My cousin living in Bristol, showed me the book for his UK citizenship test, and it's very difficult compared to US Citizenship. Also, in general, attaining ones' license in the UK is not easy either. Then again, having visited the UK, just because you are able to pass a difficult test once does not make you a smart


Is this woman mentally ill? Looking at the footage, any person, even if they aren't sensible, would have clearly stopped before being hit by the car. You can see, she goes off the crosswalk as she knows she's about to be hit, but continues....I don't know why.

Too bad we don't live in Germany. Going 155 MPH legally, and there were other cars going faster than me. No one got hurt.

When you're of the same ethnicity/group, you tend to realize these things.

You're acting like this is going to deter people in India from buying this vehicle. I am sorry, India lacks 2 things: 1. Safety standards in most sectors of industry; and 2. Sex ed.

Another Punjabi idiot making the good Punjabis look bad.'re confusing a lot of things relating to EE in this article. First of all, you're claiming a Potentiometer is a variable voltage sender. All the potentiometer does is act like a big resistor, with variable resistance. You're not even factoring in impedance yet. It does not send variable voltages. Perhaps

I used to work with a guy who was a CO in a prison in Kentucky. Most of the stuff he told me was so bland compared to what you have above. I guess everyone sees life a bit differently. Also, the Kentucky prison could have been far tamer than yours.

"God dammit Jimmy!"

Great tip, thank you so much for the info. Cheers!

I've done this for years, but I've noticed that after installing the new pads, there'd be shaking while heavily breaking. This is due to the older brake pads creative grooves on the rotors. If you don't need to replace the rotor (thickness with a micrometer is fine), you have to turn the rotors (shave off a small

Ewwwww......ugly mustard yellow. Good riddance!

You're missing the point here. What if there was a gust of wind and one of the drops caused damage to a vehicle, house, person? There'd be someone responsible for that damage. What if there was a fault and the chopper crashes in the suburbs, killing people? Point is, they weren't supposed to be there.

Extra assumed risk is extra assumed risk.

My point exactly. Why assume more risk than is necessary. Especially when tax payers are paying for these costs.

Probably because these vehicles and operational uses costs are in the seven to nine figure range and they'd rather not risk a $20 million USD aircraft for silly shit like a candy drop.

According to my BMW manual, mugs are bulky and waste of space. Who needs mugs when you're going 150+ MPH on the AutoBhan.

According to my BMW manual, mugs are bulky and waste of space. Who needs mugs when you're going 150+ MPH on the

I've been telling people this for years, but for some reason, some people never learn. I think the only time there's an exception to this rule is when you have reliable transportation and want a secondary luxury/project car.

And Wine!