I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!
I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!
It must take him fucking HOURS to get anywhere, as I assume he monitors the comings and goings of all San Francisco residents.
Someone’s got to rub jam on Trumps nose when he starts sun-downing.
I would argue that he is also not very smart. Maybe dementia too, but he’s operating from a base of substandard intelligence, as well. (y not both? as they say these days)
His face is verging on Ted Cruz territory in terms of punchability. I suspect taking a serious beating might actually improve his personality.
This is all that’s going on, up there.
“the people who know me know my heart” is the other one.
Both times I have been with the little man and danger reared its head, I sure as fuck didn’t walk him closer to it. "You get in that car/house right now! And find your mother!"
I was going to write something about the big-ass hole in his logic for confronting the guy, but everybody else covered it so well. So I’ll just add...
That dude didn’t learn the lesson of his pops who got killed:
He still doesn’t get it. White people always have an excuse for why they aren’t racist. That’s the problem.
A-fucking-men. This is what white people need to do. Own their racism and shut the fuck up. Listen and fucking change.
I did what came naturally and asked where he was going.
If he was thinking of his child’s safety, he’d not have a shit-eating grin on his face!
“Here’s where the complexity begins”
You’d think a dude with Cuck in his name would learn to lay low.
Does anyone respond to posts on Medium?
He still doesn’t get it. White people always have an excuse for why they aren’t racist. That’s the problem. Most white folks are exactly like him in that they don’t know (or acknowledge) that they may be racist.
“I was terrified he was going to murder (or at least attack) someone. So I confronted him with my young child!”
Terrible racist Chad refuses to learn the lesson his father died for not learning. Mind your fucking business!