
So sadly correct. I may not get suspended without pay if I weigh in too heavy as an airline’s stewardess, but no male coworkers or managers will take my input seriously unless it gets recycled and spat out through the mouth of a man, however less senior than me. I’m constantly ignored and undermined by my male bosses

Ugh. Same. Are you saying they're all minors, Hooters??

Shitstains gonna shitstain. Hopefully she gets a nice settlement, at least.

She would have been so much better off to be raped by an anti porn Mormon uncle.

Did he stab her? I think he mostly raped her with the inspiration of some fucked up mysogynist porn, so... Maybe he could have come up with his own creative ways to fuck her child vagina and mouth but I’m guessing porn helped him experiment and break out of those tried and true rape paradigms that so often stifle our

Not all porn is created equal (wait do I have to say #notallporn?). The lovey consensual material wherein women have orgasms is not particularly popular if you look at search words. Yes it’s good when it gets made, but no, it’s not the whole story and most mainstream material is extremely misogynistic. I can’t speak

Wha ???? Is she a wounded manatee or a three-legged dog? Jesus Christ! How condescending! I can't even. I liked you :(

You are a HugeLetdown

Oh god totally, I hear you. I’m just saying if you have a position, stand by it, and I’ll always back you up, whether I agree or not. Touchy topics need to be breeched so differing positions can see the light of day and influence the prevailing sentiments. I’m pretty much a chicken in real life but here I don’t care

Just make your argument and don't apologize for being argumentative. It's a discussion. :) Discuss.

I mean it’s basically like radical Islam shit on the Internet— the people who make it are fucked up and the people with whom it resonates are fucked up. Many people are repulsed by it, congrats, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an accelerant for some very dangerous asshole perpetrators. Obviously in a free society we

I’m not advocating for shutting down anything and I’m an unmarried atheist who’s definitely not prude by any means. But I am a fucking feminist and a LOT of mainstream porn is shitty as hell for women, consensual or not. I’m not going to budge on that point. If you disagree that’s cool. Just try watching a man skull

Haha you must be fun at Thanksgiving. I never suggested anyone take away your Teen Anal Creampies. Chill out.

Never suggested it could or should be banned. It’s speech that can hurt some people, just like white supremacist hate speech and radical Islamist recruitment can inspire direct or indirect harm. People gonna people. So fuck people.

There are many Worlds of Porn. Some are absolutely dangerous to women — those women who appear in them and those whose male [boyfriends, captors, rapists, stepfathers, uncles et al.] are “inspired” by them. People getting off as consensual adults is the best case scenario of porn, but it’s sure as fuck not the only

Would be amazing. Just a bucket of blood and some guts too. Much less disturbing than the thought of blue liquid coming out of my wherever...maybe Dove will start making some vag products and do a #realbeauty campaign with periods and there could be a #showusyourperiod thing where ladies can #bereal about bleeding

My (and many, I presume) journalism program required a semester-long internship, so not only was I forced to give up paid hours at my real job, I had to pay my school full tuition for the “class” and give an ad agency free labor. I’ll never forget how to artificially inflate earned media value for clients though!

If it were their literal problem, I.e., they could get pregnant, there would be male birth control that tasted like beer and supersize abortions on every drive-through menu.

Next time I need to insult someone I’m opening with “You’re not the manager of Target.” Thanks!

I would like to redefine pregnancy as a man’s problem. There. Now deal with it.