
He's low IQ, so cereal commercials, obv.

Men on tinder need to just describe their dicks. I don’t care about your “professional job.” Just describe the dong so I don't have to waste my life talking to you.

Overpriced gahbage! Grind some beans you lazy bastards.

This shit’s over-the-top I'm remorseful act is an insult to the woman he shot to death and her family. It's not about you, asshole! Rot!

Oh shit. My bad.

This is the whitest thing I’ve read in a while.

“Speaking Truth to Power,” the title of Kim's autobiography, legitimately, I mean, like.

If they REALLY want to raise some money they'll start offering worn undies. This shit is soooo non-committal and lazy.

Yeah they employ contractors for those positions. Less liability and more fluidity in the event they have to do layoffs — they don’t have to report laid off contractors.

Yeah the disturbing thing about tech company diversity stats is that communications and HR roles tend to skew very female/diverse, and yet even with those numbers helping their general totals, it’s still lopsided as hell. Former Silicon Valley PR hack here.

Can we blame this premature reality showism on hormones in the food supply?

It’s like rubbing a bunch of Xanax on your brain. I know it’s weird but I ain’t giving that up.

Maybe life has been easy street for her so far and she's not compelled to vote because she has no reason to care because why? Is there a vote on bass? Is there a vote on ok or not to be chubby? No? K byeeee.

I guess it might be for some dudes, because the best video makers are beautiful women, but I get triggered by: Ira Flato, certain voices on voicemail, a cashier counting out change, a child arranging toys in a particular way. I guess that could be a profile for a really fucked up sexual predator/NPR fan, but I swear

You need a code word to say Give me an epidural? How bout give me an epidural.

Explain fetishistic? I do it to get sleepy. I also like to eat cheese. A fetish neither one.

It’s like certain sounds that make your head tingle in a really pleasant way. It’s totally passive, not some pretentious meditation bullshit. But if you don’t experience it and watch the YouTube videos you will think the people who do are cray cray. I get it from AM radio and certain voicemails.

Bathing suit area.

The vocabulary is all wrong. If you grew up in one of these environments it's like a dog whistle when you hear the dialect.

Those quotes around Palestinian are super aggressive.